Sunday, November 2, 2008

Reflection Module 6

What was most useful to me in my learning process? What was least useful? What did I learn about my own learning process during this module?

I found adding another tool, survey monkey, to my toolbox the most useful this week. The least useful was having to apply Bloom's upper levels of taxonomy to a class that I would teach.

Did I achieve my learning objectives in this week? If yes, what did I achieve? If not, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

Bloom's was reinforced.

How did my thinking about assessment change this week?

My thinking about assessment has not changed this week.


Paula said...


I am glad you were able to get hands-on practice with Survey Monkey. I think it is very user friendly. Great job.

Datta Kaur said...

Nancy, I am wondering why adding Bloom to your final project is the least favorite exercise? Hard? Useless to you?

This exercise can plant a permanent realization in course design that will continue to benefit your students for decades to come:).

Datta Kaur